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Coaching Packages

Discover how you can manifest your dreams by working privately, in one-on-one coaching, from anywhere in the world, with Tracy Robin.  


Are you waiting for "someday?"

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It was not that long ago that I was working a corporate job where I felt stressed out, unfulfilled, overworked & underpaid.  For months I was feeling stuck, frustrated, depleted & unhappy.  I would stay up as late as I could & wake up as late as possible, trying to make up for what felt like lost time spent in the office. It got to the point that I would cry myself to sleep & wake up depressed because I didn’t know how to get off of this hamster wheel.

The clarity came one day for me when I sat down & calculated that I was being “allowed” a grand total of 132 days out of 365 to live my life, enjoying my “time off.” I didn’t know how to get out of doing what I was conditioned to believe I was “supposed” to be doing. Even though, everything inside of me knew better.

In that moment, I made a decision that no one would EVER again dictate to me when I could live, work and vacation.  This life, is waaaaaay too short to let someone else define what I can do and when. I was done with living by someone else’s rules. I was ready to claim my independence & freedom.

My desire was to open my own business, set my own hours & travel whenever I wanted to.  To have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world and be with my beloved enjoying life together.

What do you desire?  

  • To have more money, time & creative freedom?

  • To do meaningful work in the world?

  • To love what you do AND have it support you financially?

  • To take better care of your body & health?

  • To put yourself first for a change?

  • To enjoy deeper & loving relationships?

  • To travel?

  • To have more time for fun & play in your life?

  • To spend more time with family & friends?

  • To stop doing the same thing over & over again. expecting different results?

  • To start receiving all that you have been asking for?

You CAN live the BIG life you envision.

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In 2000, I took a leap of faith & left my corporate job to create my life, happiness & success on my terms. Taking the road less travelled over & over again is not necessarily an easy choice to make, except when the alternative feels like you would live an unlived life. Yes, many choices I've made have been "out of the box" of what was expected from my old school, traditional, strict upbringing. Despite all the "what if's" & "shoulds," I went for it. I was determined, persistent, got clear on what I desired for MY happiness & went for it.

I have devoted the past 25 years of my life to the study, teaching & practice of joyous, healthy living through the framework of yoga & its philosophies, to working with & understanding belief systems, universal law & the art of manifestation. I use all that I have learned & all that I have lived to help coach my clients & support them on their journey to personal freedom.

You can have what you Need AND Desire, and you can have it, NOW!

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I take a stand for empowering you to live your dreams no matter what you have been conditioned to think is available or possible for you; to let go of external expectations and listen to your own truth. Living your dream, to me, equates to happiness, success, abundance, freedom & fulfillment in every area of your life. For me that means having more than enough time, money & creative freedom to live more and give more. It means I get to live the lifestyle I desire - travel with my beloved, work with awesome clients from anywhere in the world and have time with family & friends. It means I can share my gifts, be of service to others, contribute more & create a positive global impact, doing work that I love.

Does this sound like something you want too?

I know how scary it can be to admit that to yourself, let alone out loud. But it is liberating! And the moment you do it, that's the moment you can start making choices that help you live your life in alignment with your authentic self and your true desires.

For more than 22 years, I've been working in a way that lights me up no matter how unconventional my family or friends might think: I desired to marry my soul mate at age 23 & I did. I desired to quit my job and open a business & I did. I did not desire to have children, so I did not. I desired to write a book so I did. I desired to make instructional yoga DVDs & I do. I desire to travel, I do. I desire to work one-on-one with my clients to help them get unstuck, achieve their dreams & live healthier, happier lives, I do & I am. Each time I have a desire, I go after it. Now it’s YOUR TURN. This is YOUR TIME.

You don't have to apologize for your desires or make them wrong, anymore. You wouldn't have those desires if they weren't meant for you. It's time you go after them. It's time to close the gap from where you are, to where you want to be, so that you can finally live the life you've been envisioning for yourself.


What benefits will I get from coaching with Tracy Robin?

  • Create self-care routines essential to your success & happiness in all areas of your life. 

  • Increase your energy & improve your overall physical, mental & emotional health.

  • Manage your time more efficiently & create more space for yourself, your family & the things you love to do. 

  • Identify what YOU truly desire - not what others have told you that you "should" be, do or have.

  • Uncover negative thought patterns, core beliefs & conditioned behaviors that are blocking your success.

  • Remove the obstacles sabotaging your success & happiness - such as fear, shame, guilt & doubt.

  • Gain simple tools & easy to implement action steps to help you avoid pitfalls & achieve desires faster.

  • Shift your perspective and claim your self worth so that you allow yourself to be visible & step into your power.

  • Improve wealth consciousness & understand universal law to create abundance & prosperity while still aligning with your core values, being generous and of service to others.

AND...For those building holistic businesses:

  • Know your unique, signature offer, and package and price it in such a way that you authentically attract your ideal clients like bees to honey, with integrity, and without feeling sleazy, salesy or pushy.  

  • Master your message and know your target market inside and out so that you are not only speaking your ideal clients' language but they are seeking YOU out and finding you, happily ready to pay you in full for your services, with virtually no sales involved.

  • Create an easy to implement marketing plan for your offers that expand your time, increase your energy and work for you even while you sleep.  

Coaching with Tracy Robin IS FOR YOU if:

  • You are ready to finally remove the obstacles holding you back from living the life of your dreams.

  • You are ready to create the life and work you desire, on purpose.

  • You are ready to claim the freedom, success & happiness that you know in your heart is meant for you.

  • You desire to create lasting, positive change in your life and the lives of the people you come in contact with.

  • You are ready to make the commitment & take responsibility for your happiness and wellbeing..

  • You are ready to create the vision you have for your life and business instead of just fantasizing about it.

  • You are ready for personalized, customized, expert attention. 

  • You know that investing in your personal and professional development is money & time well spent and that the lasting, long-term, positive effect is priceless.

  • You know that it takes time, attention, guidance, right action, support & accountability to learn new habits that stick.

Coaching is NOT for YOU if: 

  • You are satisfied complaining and making excuses about time, money & circumstances and not willing to do anything to change it.

  • You are willing to settle for unfulfilling, unhealthy relationships.

  • You are perfectly ok with constantly trying to make everyone around you happy, meanwhile, your own spirit is dying on the inside.  

  • You are satisfied being trapped by boundaries that someone else created for you.

  • You are committed to staying in a job that you hate and has you feeling stuck, tired, overworked & underpaid.

  • You don't mind feeling depleted, resentful, angry, frustrated, unfulfilled & unhappy. 

  • You believe winning the lottery will be the solution to all of your problems.

  • You would rather stay stuck in your story & play the victim, than create the change you seek.

  • You are happy standing still, while life keeps moving forward and you dream of 'someday' that will never come.

  • You are content with mediocrity & letting life pass you by.   

  • You think you can close the gap from where you are to where you desire to be, without the support, guidance & accountability of an expert. 

What are clients saying about working with Tracy Robin?

"Before Tracy & I worked together, my challenge was finding within me the key to allowing myself to be more visible in the entrepreneurial world. I knew there was something holding me back that connected my numerous manifestations of this particular version of self-sabotage, but despite my best efforts I couldn't get to the bottom of the issue. I felt trapped in a vicious circle of questioning and guessing that only Tracy's expert guidance was able to break through and help me get clarity around the deeper truth about myself that I had been seeking, unsuccessfully, for so long. Discovering this missing piece of the puzzle has brought me home to what my mind, body, and soul truly require to thrive, and has allowed me to release several old patterns, beliefs, and emotions that were dragging me down and keeping me small. I've learned practical, easy to implement tools and strategies to stay on track and continue upgrading my energetic frequency. Not only did I get the answer to my biggest self-discovery question, I also experienced a significant identity shift. I see myself in a much more empowered way today, and feel unstoppable! And, now I know what to do and how to do it to avoid the pitfalls I was so fast to fall into in the past. Priceless!"   

"Tracy's caring, yet firm and laser-focused coaching style created a safe and supportive space for me to share and receive openly. Besides being masterful at what she does, she walks her talk and leads by example, so working with Tracy can really motivate you to gift yourself with a lasting transformation. You'll be inspired by her brilliance and the invaluable ability she has to hold you as powerful no matter what. If this is your time to let go of whatever is causing you to self-abandon for good, and start a new chapter in your self-care and spiritual growth book, I highly and enthusiastically recommend you work with Tracy right away!" - Martina Zorc, Slovenia, EU


"I am so grateful to Tracy for the work we have done together.  She never judged and she never put her ideas of what I should be doing first.  She has that extremely rare ability to really listen and ask the right questions.  I had been feeling stuck, not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I had all these plans and no way to implement them nor did I feel that I was capable of making my dreams come true. As I approached my 60th birthday I knew I needed help - I had been trying to do it on my own for a long time. Tracy and I were able to work through some long time blocks - things that even years in therapy had never touched.  Tracy always provided a safe place and never pushed beyond where I was willing or able to go, but somehow helped me find the tools to breakthrough.  I am seeing life in a new way.  I now meditate daily and feel clearer and more able to make healthy choices.  For the first time in years, I trust my own judgement and am able to make choices that serve my life.  I can ask for what I want and give to myself and not feel guilty.   I see a future that is filled with prosperity, love and community.   I have no doubt that Tracy will soon be so booked that it will take months to get an appointment with her, she is just that good."   -  Jane Brown,  New Jersey (name of client has been changed for privacy)


"I went to Tracy when I felt that I was going through perpetual cycles of dissatisfaction and guilt that prevented me from enjoying my life's full potential. Tracy approached any issue we discussed in a completely non-judgmental way. She motivated me to do things I have been resisting to do for a long time. I see a very perceivable change in how I react to situations and can now restore myself to balance sooner. This helped me become a happier and more reasonable person for myself and my family. It has been a pleasure working with Tracy as my life coach and I would recommend her to anyone I care about.  You deserve it for the sake of yourself and for your loved ones!!!"  - Maya Rama, India (name of client has been changed for privacy)


"Before signing on for my coaching package with Tracy, I felt like I was just going through the motions in my life both at work and home. I just didn't know what to do to make it better. I saw this as an opportunity to see if I could really change things. Upon making the commitment & prior to the first session there was an informational questionnaire that was very comprehensive and was written in a way that lent itself to really being open and answering the questions honestly.  It made it easier to start the first session because Tracy had some idea what my issues were and could delve right in. Tracy's approach is direct yet respectful.  The questions never came across as criticism and I never felt threatened or uncomfortable. I immediately learned that I was the one with the power to change things if I was willing to do the work. I saw that I had set myself up as a victim and was waiting to be rescued . What shifted for me was the knowledge that I am the one who has the power to change my situation. No one else who can do that for me. Some of my breakthroughs had to do with understanding how my belief systems were keeping me from changing.  I was functioning with negative beliefs, that were creating my reality & making it impossible to change.  Tracy was skilled at giving me exercises and reading to do and bringing me back if I was going off coarse.  I always felt better during and after every session. I have tried many forms of therapy/treatment looking for happiness. Coaching with Tracy, I feel more in control of my happiness. I feel happier! I have learned to set boundaries. I feel empowered with the ability to say yes if I desire. I now start my days grateful, optimistic and ready to take on a new day with whatever it has to offer. I just feel better! I would definitely recommend Tracy as a coach.  She is well trained and skilled and when I have the opportunity to refer a client I will. A pleased client!" - Sally Simmons, New Jersey (name of client has been changed for privacy)


What does the 90-day coaching package include?

  • Comprehensive Welcome Packet.

  • One 2hr Intensive (via telephone or Zoom - no video required).

  • Weekly coaching calls - 10 calls total to be used within the 12 weeks (1-hour each call, via telephone or Zoom - no video required).

  • Expert Support, Guidance & Accountability

  • Personal access to Tracy via e-mail or text, Sunday - Thursday 11am-7pm ET.

  • Customized self-care practices & assignments designed to support your success. 

  • Deeper self-development through recommended readings to help you reach your goals.

  • Compassionate, safe space to dive deep into long held blocks without judgement.

  • Inspiration to recognize your true potential & fulfill your dreams.

  • Motivation to take action to create the life you desire.

  • Action steps to execute in order to reach your goals faster and easier.

  • Weekly homework & accountability forms to keep you on track.


I believe that when you take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually, you become a role model for everyone you come in contact with. When you allow yourself to receive support, you have the power to birth your vision, no matter how big it seems. You are a powerful creator & when you are doing what you love in a way that lights you up, you become a magnet for all you desire. When you make the time to put yourself & your needs & desires first & have support that is advocating for your success, you become available to receive all that you ask for. When you are nourished & filled up first, everyone wins. You can then give from the overflow, from that place of abundance, to your relationships & all other areas of your life. You must give to yourself first, it is essential for your success, happiness & health.