Attract Abundance Home Study
Are You Ready To...
Have time to take better care of your health and body?
Feel healthy & good about yourself?
Love your body, your life, & your lifestyle?
Enjoy healthy relationships?
Have time for fun & play in your life?
Travel wherever and whenever you would like to?
Enjoy quality time with family & friends?
Have plenty of money, time & creative freedom?
Do meaningful work in the world, that you love, that also supports you financially?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above, but are not actually experiencing them as your reality, then there are some major manifesting skills missing from your personal toolbox and it is costing you your freedom, fulfillment and financial success.
But it is not because it is not available for you, or that you cannot have it, or that you are not worthy of it. In fact, everything you seek, is seeking you. The problem is that you have not been given all the information you need in order to create and receive the reality you desire.
If you are tired of the constant struggle with food, weight, & body aches that are keeping you from really enjoying life; if your relationships are suffering; if you no longer want money to hold you back from doing the things you really want to do; if you are ready to find a healthier way to live and love, then I have GREAT NEWS for you.
I have created a signature program to help you manifest the health & happiness you desire in a way that is fun, easy to implement, user friendly, AND feminine. It is completely in alignment with the woman who desires to live a healthier & happier life with more time and money freedom.
It's called:
The Yoga of Deliberate Creation:
A 6-Week, 'Off-The-Mat,' Online Course to Manifest The Healthy, Happy, Abundant Life You Desire, NOW.
I created it with YOU in mind. And here's why it's so effective.
It grew out of my own need to solve my personal and professional challenges. I was constantly looking outside of myself for approval and acceptance. I could only be happy if everyone else around me was happy first. I altered and hid what I wanted and truly needed, in order to fit in. I had trouble making decisions – I had to find out what everyone else thought first. I rarely gave myself permission to have & do the things I really wanted. And this wreaked havoc on my health, my relationships, and my self-esteem. I became angry and frustrated, and felt stuck in life and work. Something had to give, or I was going to snap and risk losing my sanity, my relationships & whatever WAS working in my life.
When I left my corporate job I was an enigma to the people around me. No one in my circle could understand why I would give up a full-time, salaried job, with benefits and 401K, to open my own business - especially to become a student and teacher of yoga and a mentor for women who want to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives. I had people actually say, "It must be nice that you don't have to work." (What did they think I was doing?) I also met with a whole lot of "How nice that you do that, but that's not a REAL job” attitude. It was infuriating. The truth was I was working my ass off, clocking more hours than I ever did, even when I worked overtime in corporate. I was teaching 21 classes a week, plus commuting. I was exhausted, depleted, injured, resentful & scared. It affected my health, my marriage, my bank account, everything.
It was not easy to bump up against my own fears, doubts and uncertainty. But to compound that with the fears and lack mentality from the people around me, made it worse & far more challenging than it needed to be,
I felt like no one could understand what I was going through. I was forging my own path. And because it seemed to me that my peers were out there "making it happen" with no problem - I was afraid to let on that I was struggling & scared & really just wanted someone to tell me, SHOW ME, EXACTLY WHAT TO DO to be successful, happy & free.
I was spinning in the same cycle over and over again - working hard, never having enough. I felt frustrated and stuck. It felt like no matter what I did, I couldn’t change my circumstances. It was awful. I was helping so many others, but my own self-care was non-existent.
AND it was affecting EVERYTHING else in my life.
I wanted my time to be my own so that my days belonged to me.
I wanted to design my life and my schedule.
I wanted to travel whenever and wherever I wanted to with my beloved AND still be able to continue generating income while living my dream life.
I wanted to stop stressing out over money.
I wanted to work less and make more.
I knew in my gut it was possible to have what I needed and wanted, that it was possible to do work that I love AND be of service in the world, AND make the money I needed to live the life I came here for. I studied with some of the world's most renowned teachers, mentors and coaches in their industries to help guide me on my path. And it made all the difference. I began to implement what I learned and my life quickly began to shift in the direction of my desires.
And, since my work in the world is based on finding one’s own personal happiness, freedom and fulfillment, I collected & organized the powerful information & tools that I discovered & used, for the past 20 years on my journey, to help me heal and succeed in all the areas of my life. And I have woven it together FOR YOU in this amazing, easy to use system.
I developed this signature program to share with you THE EXACT STEPS I TOOK to achieve my results, and to teach you the key ingredients you need to manifest the life you truly desire.
AND YOU CAN DO IT NOW, not 20 years from now.
For the first time ever in this format, I am revealing my exact secret formula that I use to deliberately create in my life, including: healing my body, maintaining good health, having a healthy, loving, passionate, fulfilling relationship with my beloved, finding and buying my home, creating a thriving business, taking trips around the world, living a freedom based lifestyle and so much more.
You can use the information, tools & techniques in this program to help you create whatever you desire in any area of your life - health, love, money, time, happiness, you name it!
But don't take my word for it.
Here are real women who have had REAL results.
“Before working with Tracy, I felt like I was always doing for others – my family, my bosses, my friends, the kids’ school – while the things I wanted to do seemed to get pushed further and further down the list. Not only was I growing resentful, but I was starting to feel a sense of poverty of time and money – as if there would never be enough of either for me to do what I really want to do.
Making time to focus on what I want is new to me, and having the safe space and loving guidance from Tracy made it so easy to share openly. Learning that the language we use about ourselves can be powerfully helpful or powerfully destructive (depending on how we frame our thoughts) has been life-changing. I realize that I have worked really hard in my life to stay almost invisible, to hide my talents and my dreams…and that I am ready to let go of that need.
It has been less than a month, and I am amazed at how many ways I see this change working in my life. I have asked for three things I’ve long wanted at work, including a 20% increase in salary, and have heard the most beautiful word all three times: “Yes.”
I now have a simple practice that helps me course correct whenever I find myself slipping into old patterns.
I’m finding ways to be a bit more visible in this life, beginning with sharing my writing with more people. Before our work, very few people in my life even knew that I write – and writing was one of the things that kept getting put off in lieu of my to-do list.
Most of all, I feel powerful in a way I’ve never felt before. I finally get that what I want matters, and is not something to be put off until the “someday” that never comes. Not only is it okay to want, it is completely within my control to ask for and be ready to receive what I desire…what a shift from feeling stuck in the cycle of my never-ending to-do list!”
“I came to this work wearing a knee brace with a torn meniscus needing surgery. I also had tendinitis in my left arm that caused additional pain. I learned that what I manifest is directly related to my THINKING and what I believe is possible. My mantras were “I don’t want any more pain,” “Oh no surgeries,” “Boo hoo hoo, poor me,” “How strong I am to tolerate all this pain!” And so on. This work taught me how to break through my negative self-defeating thoughts and what a difference that made!! I am so proud of myself.
This work changed my life. I can, and have, and WILL, CONTINUE to release my negative thoughts ! I can and will MANIFEST the destiny that I desire and deserve. IT WORKS! IT REALLY WORKS. Thanks for planting the seed. I highly recommend this workshop! You deserve this! It feels so freeing! ”
“I enrolled in the program because I was feeling uncertain about my next steps in life. Determining my next steps felt clouded by self-doubt and beliefs of external judgments, along with a sense of feeling like I was really having difficulty quieting my mind and listening to my inner voice.
Before doing this work, I was uncertain about reaching a deeper, more real connection with myself, others and Source. Tracy developed trust, brought her whole self to our work, provided focused feedback, engaged with passion and fun, and shared her own personal examples. My experience was truly transformative. I am in a completely new, different, better place. My true desires and intentions were revealed to me, along with the steps I needed to take to achieve them.
I am pleased to say that I now have implementable action steps I take to help me stay on track. These practices have truly helped me to remain calm in moments of stress and literally breathe my way through the most challenging of times. When I feel like something is in the way (it’s usually me) and I have the tools necessary to make steps toward achieving my goals, one step at a time, course correcting along the way.
As a result of the work, I’m pursuing more avenues for “self-care” and knowing when I need to have time for myself, whether it be getting a massage, taking a yoga class, or just walking outside and breathing in nature.
One more thing I think is worth mentioning. My health has transformed in ways I was long convinced was impossible. I whole-heartedly believe that this is a result of the workshop and my being able to cultivate that mind/body/spirit connection that I was so in need of. This is so huge for me that words can’t accurately express how psyched & grateful I am.”
Each week, in The Yoga of Deliberate Creation: A 6-Week, 'Off-the-Mat', Online Course to Manifest the Healthy, Happy, Abundant Life You Desire, NOW, you will discover valuable tools & techniques to help you identify what you truly desire, access your power and ability to create your vision, increase your magnetism, prepare yourself to receive what you have been asking for, and stay on track to achieve your goals in your everyday life.
What will we cover?
The Yoga of Deliberate Creation is an online, home-study course, consisting of Six Recorded Trainings:
*YOU will be added to a PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP where you will be able to get your questions answered weekly by ME.
*Each module will also give you easy and fun weekly exercises to help you implement the training at home and help to build your feminine manifestation muscles.
*And you will also receive a Bonus Orientation Package to help set you up for success.
Whether you desire a healthier body, deeper connection in relationships, self-love, time for self-care, or money to live the life you came here to live, the tools in this course are universal and can be applied across the board to give you the results you want, and the answers you need to help you move forward in the direction of your dreams.
Imagine waking up being excited about the day ahead.
Imagine having quiet time just for you to be creative.
Imagine being supported on your journey so you can stay out of overwhelm and start seeing results.
Imagine having a community of women to connect with who get you and accept you just as you are.
Imagine not having to exhaust yourself by trying to be and do everything for everyone.
Imagine feeling inspired and fulfilled, doing what you love, helping people and getting paid for your talents.
Imagine having a spa day, massage, or mani-pedi, just because you feel like it.
Imagine doing work you love, and having plenty of time and money and energy left over to shop, travel, spend time with your family & friends & enjoy some of the finer things in life.
Imagine living a life that lights you up; a life you love so much, you don’t need to take a vacation from it.
When you enroll in The Yoga of Deliberate Creation you will receive:
If you spent the time, money and energy to try and figure all of this out on your own it would take you several years and thousands of dollars and let’s face it - who has that kind of time and patience to wait?
You want results NOW!
And I hear you. Ask & you shall receive!
The Yoga of Deliberate Creation: A 6-Week, 'Off-the-Mat', Online Course to Manifest the Healthy, Happy, Abundant Life You Desire, NOW and everything this course includes is available for you to purchase now for just $497.
But wait, there's more!
Because I know how integral this work is for you to achieve the results you desire, I want to make it super easy for you to say YES. SO, for a limited time, you can get the entire training for just $397.
Left to your own devices, you have probably tried a bunch of different techniques and read a ton of books and taken a ton of courses, but nothing seems to work. I know how you feel, I’ve been there. BUT I refused to live an unlived life. The difference came when I gave myself the gift of working with my mentor, implementing her teachings & getting my questions answered.
Is continuing to live the rest of your life in the way you are now working for you? Are you willing to just keep doing what you are doing, hoping things will change? OR are you tired of waiting & ready to do something different?
This approach is very unique and uses age-old science, philosophies and law to help you truly affect lasting, positive change in your life.
This program contains some of my key learnings in my 20 years of study and I'm giving them to you because I want you to succeed. I want you to know what it feels like to be abundant and happy and free. I want you to be it, live it, & have it.
When you are happy it creates a ripple effect on everyone around you.
So why not create, on purpose, what you actually desire; good health, improved relationships, a new job, a raise, a vacation with your family, a new house or car, extra money or time to donate to organizations that are meaningful to you, whatever you desire!
Don't wait. At $397, I'm basically giving this program away. And this special pricing won't last for long. Remember, you will receive 6 recorded trainings packed with juicy info to help you manifest your dreams along with a bonus orientation packet to help you clear the way and set yourself up for success. What's more is because it is recorded, you can go back to it as often as you like to relisten, and really hone the practices and exercises and let the information sink in even deeper. You will get specific exercises and worksheets to help you further integrate and understand the weekly modules, PLUS a private Facebook group to ask your questions and get them answered by me. It's just that simple, awesome and easy.
Don't try to re-create the wheel. Get this information and just do it. Make your dreams come true. Make your dreams a reality. Make your life a life you love.
It's your birthright to be happy. If you've been struggling to any degree, this program can give you the insights and answers you need to change that today.
Enroll Now
The Yoga of Deliberate Creation:
A 6-Week, 'Off-the-Mat,' Online Course to
Manifest the Healthy, Happy, Abundant Life You Desire, NOW.
$497 NOW $397