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Lifestyle Intensive

The Yoga Lifestyle Intensive with Tracy

To live a yoga lifestyle, you need to first BE a yogi.

To help you become a yogi and live the yoga lifestyle, I have created 5 pillars:

Eat Like a Yogi

Feel like a Yogi

Think Like a Yogi

Breathe Like a Yogi

Move Like a Yogi

Using these 5 pillars, during your day-long intensive, you will:

•Follow a customized healthy & cleansing meal plan to help you recharge & reboot your system in support of the day’s work.

•Identify your limiting beliefs and where & why they live in your body.

•Destroy your core limiting beliefs & install new beliefs that empower you & support your new yoga lifestyle.

•Balance the body, mind, emotions and spirit with a personalized practice of yoga, breath-work, and meditation.

You will leave your intensive with tools customized for you including: a mantra, a daily self-care routine, a 7-day meal plan, a yoga & meditation practice and your brand new beliefs – all to empower you to soar to success, joy and fulfillment in all areas of our life.