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Career driven and entrepreneurial women often put work before health. They invest in programs and trainings to advance their professions, yet when it’s time to implement and take action, they struggle with self-doubt, confusion, lack of motivation & unintentionally sabotage efforts for client attraction and career growth. All the while they’re experience symptoms like weight gain, low energy, aches & pains, trouble sleeping, headaches, digestive issues and more.

As a Holistic Coach, Tracy knows your professional success, happiness and fulfillment are connected to your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health & wellbeing. Tracy works with you to help you increase your vitality, confidence, and clarity so you feel empowered to prosper authentically in your work and personal life. 

Welcome to The Yoga LifeStyle. I'm Tracy Robin & I'm a Certified Life Coach, Yoga Teacher and Business Mentor for new, seasoned, and aspiring Holistic Entrepreneurs & Yoga Teachers. I work with women seeking Personal Freedom, Success, & above all, Happiness & Fulfillment. I've been an Entrepreneur, biz owner, Facilitator of Transformation & Teacher of all things Yoga since 2000. This website is continually evolving & I hope you will stay to be a part of what I am creating.