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What are students saying about working with Tracy? 

"I love yoga because it challenges me physically, but relaxes me at the same time -- it's a work out for body and soul.  I've taken yoga classes with a number of different teachers, but I feel that I get the most out of your classes.  Tracy's teaching style is just the right mix of physical challenge and spiritual bliss!" - Lisa, Bergen County, NJ

 "I stepped out of my apartment this morning to find myself in the midst of a ridiculous, torrential downpour.  It was obvious that no umbrella or raincoat would keep me dry, yet I felt elated and giddy.  All I could do was laugh and fight the impulse to splash in all the puddles.  I attribute it in large part to yoga and your awesome instruction.  I feel my burdens being lifted week by week.  Thanks!"  - Dorys

"I have only been taking Tracy's Yoga classes for almost one yr. and all I can say is that I don't know how I lived my life without it!  Yoga has changed my life in more ways than you could imagine. I've never felt better!  Life is wonderful again!"-  Linda  S., Lyndhurst, NJ

"Dear Tracy, These private yoga sessions have helped me in so many ways.  You have found your calling in life. That is a gift most people never receive. I will continue to breathe deeply through the rest of my life. Thank you."  - Elsie, Bergen County