The Naked Truth: Welcome to my Blog.
Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki
Hi there. Welcome to my first blog post EVER. This is a space where I will share my thoughts, ideas, musings, teachings, philosophies, adventures, and any other things I desire to share with you from my heart & life experiences. It is also a place where I hope you will come to learn & be inspired to live your life to the fullest & perhaps even expand your understanding & perspective of what is truly available to & possible for you.
Here are some fun facts about me: I am a life coach & have been a facilitator of transformation & a teacher of healthy lifestyle & all things yoga for 15 years. One of my homes away from home is Kripalu Center, in Lenox, MA. My other home away from home is Woodstock, NY. I've been joyously married to my soulmate for 18 of our 24 years together. I love to travel. My favorite role in the universe is being Tia to my two nephews. My first language is Spanish. In my past life, I was a production manager in the music biz at a major record label and I left in 2000 to devote my life to the study & teaching of yoga. (more on all this later)
Why the "Naked Truth?"
This is the metaphor that comes to me in this moment. When I first started going up to Kripalu, about 16 years ago, the whole concept of a sauna, whirlpool & ladies locker room was a bit new to me. And further more, a bunch of ladies walking around in their birthday suits made me a bit uncomfortable. "Not that there's anything wrong with that," but I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin (for much of my life - we will get there in future posts, I am sure), that I would show up in a swim suit to use the facilities. Now please let me be clear - I have NO judgement if you wanna cover up or if you wanna go commando. At that time, however, I was just not ready to get naked in front of strangers that I might be having lunch with later in the dining hall.
It was several years later when I came to a realization. We are actually all the same. The stories we tell ourselves that keep us feeling separate, different, & make us think we are special are the same ones keeping us small, stuck, hidden & fearful. We are all unique expressions of source, and we were given this particular container to travel in for this lifetime. Like it or not, here I am, as I am. And here you are, as you are. So I decided to practice unconditional self-acceptance & got naked.
I spent YEARS, 40 to be exact, thinking I had to be the person others wanted me to be in order to be worthy of love & respect, in order to be accepted & included. I was hiding parts of myself, because I was so afraid I would be judged or criticized or rejected because my opinions, desires, thoughts & dreams were different or too outlandish or what others might consider selfish or impossible. I kept my big dreams to myself & dimmed my light to fit in, be accepted & not make anyone else uncomfortable. The truth is that I was the only one suffering. I hid well. Silently. I felt alone & told no one.
Well, no more hiding! Life is too damn short. Time to be fully me, no matter what.
Among many of the things I will share in this blog, I have come to realize this. When I share my naked truth, when I show up exactly as I am, with all my perfect imperfections, I give all of you, all of the people I come in contact with, permission to do the same.
Thanks for being here to witness, receive, share & contribute. I welcome your kindness, gratitudes, aha's & comments. Let's keep the vibe high & the conversations meaningful, so we can all learn & grow together.
much love