Celebrate Miracles
Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki
Happy Hanukkah!
The Festival of Lights reminds us that miracles DO HAPPEN.
While it is not one of the holiest of days in the Jewish tradition, I definitely resonate with the idea of keeping the knowledge that miracles abound in the forefront of my awareness.
What miracles are you praying for this year?
· Money?
· Relationships?
· Health?
· Career?
· Happiness?
· Freedom?
· Peace?
· Security, safety, stability?
· Courage to step forward into the unknown?
· Courage to change something that has you stuck even though it feels comfortably familiar?
· Courage to leap before the net appears?
This year, I find myself reevaluating many things.
I look back and see all the things that have been working and those that have not.
And the truth is, even when times get tough I have few, if any, regrets because I know that everything I have lived and experienced has happened FOR ME NOT TO ME. It has all happened for me to grow into more of who I am meant to be.
I think so often we mistake the things that happen in our lives as problems. But in reality they offer more opportunities for us to make a new choice. To become more of who we are and less of who we are not.
We are not victims to our circumstances.
In EVERY moment we have the choice to trust our intuition, listen to divine guidance and remember that miracles do abound.
OR we can stay with what we know even though it is unsatisfying and sucking out the joy and drive from us.
During this celebration of miracles, I pray for each of us – spirits having human experiences – that we may get quiet & still enough to hear the inner calling, the gut instincts, the truth that lives within us. So that when we remove all fear & doubt, shame, guilt & grief, we will shine our lights brighter than ever.
Hag sameach! (Happy Holiday)