To be successful in business, especially in the exponentially, expanding field of coaching, it's always best to "niche down."
As a veteran yoga teacher and facilitator of mind-body transformation, I felt like "niching down" would cause me to leave too many people out of the equation; people that I wanted to and could truly help, people who really needed my services.
But, despite my resistance, in 2013 my coach insisted that, "If you try to help everyone, you will end up helping no one, and it will continue to feel like you are the best kept secret in the industry;" a powerful healer with so much to give and no one to serve.
I couldn't live that way anymore. So with the help of my coach, I embarked on finding my target market.
After several months of testing, tweaking, trial and error, I nailed it. I finally understood what she meant. I began to refine and master my message, and attracted more ideal clients - who I LOVE working with - on and off the mat.
I coach and mentor Holistic Women Entrepreneurs, who desire to do work in the world that they love, that is of service to others, that affords them the time and money freedom they desire, so they can live more and give more. And to do it authentically, without sacrificing their own health, happiness, relationships, self-care, femininity, fulfillment or integrity in the process.
I am blown away by the amazing healers, change agents, advocates for health, wellness, natural & holistic living that I have had the pleasure to meet and coach. Whether it's at one of my in-person events, like Meetup, or an online workshop, or my 6-month training and mentorship program. These women are superstars, creating a positive impact in the lives of others, AND making their own dreams a reality.
So then why am I feeling a bit conflicted again?
Because in selecting my target market of Holistic Women Entrepreneurs, it leaves out hundreds of my clients who are holistic-minded, creatives, seekers of spirituality & mind-body transformation, yet they are not necessarily entrepreneurs or even considering starting their own business. These are clients who are looking to make a change in their lives but nothing they have been trying seems to be working fast enough.
They want to improve their physical health, for instance, with healthier eating, weight loss, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and better sleep. They want to improve their intimate relationships, and their relationship with money & finances. They want to create healthier boundaries, and have better communication. They may want to leave a job, change a career, start a business.They want to feel empowered to make the choices that feel right for them.