I'm having a pretty good day today. Feeling grateful and productive and like I have some clarity on what I have to do next. And doing the best I can to surrender the result.
I can spin myself into quite a tizzy when I try to control the outcome.
I can be so laser focused on what I want to achieve that often times I forget that I am not doing this alone. It's easy to forget that I can ask for help, not only from trustworthy, capable and willing people, but from a Higher Power, a Universal Energy, the Source of it all. Especially when I've been conditioned to think and believe that "If I want it done right I have to do it myself."
Sound familiar?
No, I'm not a super religious person. But I would say I am spiritual. I know that I am not steering this ship alone.
In the moments when I forget that a power greater than myself is conspiring for me to succeed and reach my goals and live out my dreams,... I stop. I look around at the abundance that is this life. I take a few deep breaths. I feel my feet on the ground. I might even move my body, get some fresh air, walk around the block, get a drink of water. It helps me to lean back and lean in to whatever is happening, wanted or unwanted. I am able to stop and take a moment and remember how grateful I am for all that I have lived that has brought me to this moment.
And with this view out my window tonight, I don't think the Universe could be any more obvious.
Sometimes holding on too tight squeezes out the life force of whatever you are holding onto. Loosen the grip, kick back, Breathe it all in.
Somehow we are co-creators in this thing called life. And it truly is a magnificent journey.
What are you grateful for today? How do you try to control outcomes? Leave your comments below. xo