45 to 45 - Day 10: Backyard Bliss & A Rampage of Appreciation.
Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki
OMG! what an incredibly, gorgeous day! The weather was perfect. I spent most of the day in my backyard soaking up the sun.
We have a pretty big, corner lot with about 7 trees surrounding our property, plus a few from neighboring houses that lend their shade, breeze and beauty to our yard.
I was trading off between sitting in my zero gravity recliner - PS if you don't have one of those lounge chairs go out and get one because they are AWESOME - and swinging lazily in my hammock, which could very well be one of my top 10 favorite possessions.
I am filled with so much gratitude today.
I am grateful for the work that I do and for my freedom-based lifestyle that allows me to be home on a Thursday working AND playing; for my backyard and our lawn guy; for the brilliant shining sun; for healthy nurturing foods, my kitchen and my beautiful home. I am grateful for the breeze and the trees and the oxygen they provide, for sunscreen, flip flops, nail polish, tank tops, sunglasses and swimsuits. I am grateful for, and never take for granted, running water, flush toilets, showers and the fact that our water is clean, safe and potable. I am grateful for bright colored tie-dye, my Subarus and their sunroofs. I am grateful for my laptop and my iPhone and the technology and the electricity that allows me to use both with ease. I am grateful for all the people in my life - here and gone. I am grateful for the internet and for being able to power down and disconnect when I want to. I am grateful for solitude and community; for ice-cream, frozen yogurt and unlimited chocolate sprinkles. I am grateful for gluten free bread and vegan turkey slices. I am grateful for my hands and my heart and for each and everyone of you out there, carving your way, helping to expand the collective consciousness. I am grateful for this Universe and all of its magnificent beauty. I am breathing in and breathing out, and for that I am also grateful.
OK folks. That's my rampage of appreciation today. Lemme hear yours in the comments below.