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45 to 45 - Day 11: My First 5 Steps


A place for me to share with you my experiences of being human & divine.

45 to 45 - Day 11: My First 5 Steps

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

Are you at the point in your life or career where you feel you need a change?

Do you know you want more out of life and that the life you are living is not fully meeting your hopes and dreams but you are not sure what that means?

Where would you go from here?  What would you do?

Are you exhausted, frustrated and depleted from running on the hamster wheel and just not sure how to change your course?

I remember those days.

Working at a job I was really good at, with people I liked and in an industry that was rocking’, yet feeling sad and discontented.

Something was missing. 

I didn’t know what or how or why, entirely, but I did know the bottom line was this. 

I was not fully happy.  

At my first internship in the entertainment biz, the director said to me, “When you are no longer having fun, it’s time for you to do something different."

Do something different.  

I found out later, that when I am unhappy, I show up with that bummed out energy and then it effects everyone and everything around me. Other people feel my negative vibe, everything I look at is through the lens of my discontent and so everything has this halo of suck around it.  

You might be thinking, "Great, Tracy. Thanks for sharing. But what the heck should I do then?  I know I need a change.  But where do I start? How do I get out of the funk?"

Well, I did it one day at a time.  Which is all any of us can do.  That’s not to say that you cannot create quantum leaps and miracles, but it doesn’t come right away. You need to start from where you are with what you’ve got.  

So today I thought I would offer you my 5 starting points.

  1. I made sure I got to yoga class at least 3 times per week 

  2. I meditated & journalled EVERY DAY - even if for only 15 minutes (10 & 5)

  3. I read the following books: "Simplify your Life” by Elaine St James; "Do What you Love & The Money Will Follow” by Marsha Sinetar & “Wherever You Go There You Are”  by Jon Kabat-Zinn  - I have read countless more which I will share with you another time, but this is literally where I started. 

  4. I made a list of the things I would like to be doing instead of what I was doing no matter how crazy it seemed. 

  5. I spoke with my mentors, teachers & coaches to begin understanding what it would take for me to actually change my current situation & create the reality I desired.                            

Creating a change doesn’t have to be hard. But it does take a fervent decision that you are no longer available to feel unhappy or stay in circumstances that are not fulfilling you and your purpose.  


Do you need a change? If you could do anything, what would it be? Leave your comments below.

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