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A place for me to share with you my experiences of being human & divine.

45 to 45- Day 15: The United States of Energy.

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

The last time we had a total solar eclipse visible here in NJ was 1979.  I was 7 years old.  This year it fell on my nephew's 7th birthday, 8.21.17.  How cool is that? 

It was so powerful to witness. There was such a profound stillness. A coming together of Sun and Moon energy into oneness, wholeness, togetherness. It felt to me like the cosmos was meditating. Did you...

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45 to 45 - Day 12: Messages From A Higher Power Within.

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

It is said that Prayer is asking the Universe questions and Meditation is listening for the answers. As a life long practitioner of Meditation, I have honed my skill over time to listen inwardly & hear my inner guidance system. Call it God, call it intuition, call it inner voice - it is miraculous what comes through when I get out of my own way and just listen & receive.

Today, I thought I would share with you what came though for me recently on July 6, 2017 after...


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45 to 45 - Day 11: My First 5 Steps

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

Are you at the point in your life or career where you feel you need a change?

Do you know you want more out of life and that the life you are living is not fully meeting your hopes and dreams but you are not sure what that means?

Where would you go from here?  What would you do?

Are you exhausted, frustrated and...

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45 to 45 - Day 7: The best thing sometimes feels like the worst.

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

In 2001, the week before Thanksgiving, I was scheduled to sign a lease for 10 years on a space, in a prime location in Northern New Jersey, to be my yoga studio. All of our savings - ALL OF IT - was going into the renovations. It had taken months of negotiations, estimates from contractors, and architectural sketches to get us to the point where...

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45 to 45 - Day 5: Letting Go of the Wheel

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

I'm having a pretty good day today. Feeling grateful and productive and like I have some clarity on what I have to do next. And doing the best I can to surrender the result.

I can spin myself into quite a tizzy when I try to control the outcome. 

I can be so laser focused on what I want to achieve that often times I forget that...

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45 to 45 - Day 4: Resting in Uncertainty

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

I hate being in limbo. I'm an impatient, hot-tempered, Cuban red-head. Not knowing what's coming next gets me very restless. It feels like there is nothing happening - no forward movement, no progress. I am so used to going full speed almost all the time and constantly working on something, that when there is downtime or I feel uninspired or I don't know what to be working on or focusing on next...well, it drives me a little crazy.

And while it would be awesome if I could just...

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45 to 45 - Day 3: Behind-the-scenes

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

My career as a Yoga Teacher, Life Coach, and Facilitator of Transformation is well over 27 years in the making. I was always a pretty spiritual kid, meditating since about 12, reading Thoreau, Emerson & Whitman back in high school, practicing yoga poses in my den while watching Family Ties (true story)....

From a very young age, my deepest desire was...

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45 to 45 - Day 2: High Anxiety

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

Back in 2013, I worked with a wonderful coach who asked me if I was on medication for anxiety.  I thought she was nuts. Do you know me? Anyone that knows me knows that I don't really do meds. If you come to my house and have a headache, I don't even ...

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45 to 45 - DAY 1: Ending my radio silence

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

Hey all.  So yesterday, after a very powerful network chiropractic session, I had a pretty major download, and here it is. There are just 45 days left until I turn 45! So I have been instructed, by the Universe, to share a blog post everyday with you for the next month and a half. That's right. 45 entries in 45 days! For those of you that enjoyed my year of daily haikus on Facebook, this is me amping it up a notch.  

My posts will include...

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Celebrate Miracles

Tracy Wendroff-Rawnicki

Happy Hanukkah!


The Festival of Lights reminds us that miracles DO HAPPEN.   

While it is not one of the holiest of days in the Jewish tradition, I definitely resonate with the idea of keeping the knowledge that miracles abound in the forefront of my awareness. 

What miracles are you praying for this year? 

·      Money?

·      Relationships?

·      Health?

·      Career?

·      Happiness?

·      Freedom?

·      Peace?

·      Security, safety, stability?

·      Courage to step forward into the unknown?

·      Courage to change something that has you stuck even though it feels comfortably familiar?

·      Courage to leap before the net appears?

This year, I find myself reevaluating many things.

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